Do you know what they say about opinions?

(Yes everyone has a bellybutton...mine is just hiding, working on that...remember?)
No, they don't say that opinions are like bellybuttons - but that is a whole lot nicer than what they DO say about opinions...
But, I'm not here to talk about opinions - I'm here to talk about EXCUSES!
It seems like no matter who I talk to - everyone has an excuse as to why they CAN'T workout.
Excuse #1. I don't have time
Excuse #2. My knees are bad
Excuse #3. I don't have time
Excuse #4. I haven't found an exercise I like.
Excuse #5. I don't have time .... (Do you see a pattern developing here?)
Look, Im not judging. I have spent the majority of 31 years living on this planet with excuses about why I CAN'T exercise ... and guess where it got me?

.. some of my friends are skinny and they never have worked out a day in their lives." Well...are those friends reading weight-loss blogs? Probably not. Are you? Yes.
I'm writing this blog as much for my own benefit as I am for yours. I can come up with a million reasons why I can't make it to the gym tonight (and I don't have a husband, kids, or a house with a yard to take care of). Everyone has excuses - but they get you no where!
So, note to self (and anyone else who wants to listen) If you want to look like this:


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