Lovng Me Now
Finding my way through life, exercise, and weight loss.... because happiness does not come gift-wrapped in your goal weight!
Friday, October 6, 2017
The walk of life
Monday, August 21, 2017
3 weeks & 3 days without her

Sunday, July 19, 2015
Running with Hulk Hogan
Just about everyone knows by now that I am in the middle of training for a half marathon that I am running the day after my birthday in September. I have worked up to 8 miles and have done this distance twice now. I am feeling pretty good about my physical ability to make the 13.1 mile distance ... but this hasn't come without a lot of speed bumps.
I realized quickly that a regimented running schedule was not something that ... let's say ... fit me. I love running. I love the pure, simple, idea of running for the sake of running and how it makes me feel. I don't like HAVING to run. I also feel like long runs during the week just don't really fit into my busy schedule (nor my desire to sleep until the very last second). So, what is a girl to do? Well, NOT running during the week is not an option. Listen, distances over 8 miles shouldn't be taken lightly, injuries can happen if you don't prepare yourself .... so.... I have to run. I'm going to try shorter distances during the week but just more of them and see how that goes. I'll keep you updated.
In other news, the long distances on the weekends have been GREAT!! I so enjoy being out in nature and the fact that it is so dang hot out means that I have to do my long runs earlier in the morning (which for some reason I don't mind on the weekends because I am in no rush). Early morning runs offer opportunities to see nature "waking up" ... and I love it! Three weeks ago I saw a deer ... like a real baby deer about 20 feet away from me ... eating leaves. He/she just stood there chewing leaves and I just stood there staring in awe. We stared at each other for a good 3 minutes before it ran off. This morning I must have seen 3 or 4 bunnies ... cute little cotton tailed bunnies!
None of this beats what I saw last weekend on my first 8 mile run! I was coming up to the end of mile 4 - feeling like I was going to die and there was no way I could possibly do that loop around town AGAIN! When all of a sudden, out of nowhere, running right toward me was HULK HOGAN! Yellow tank top, yellow bandana, blonde handle-bar mustache... running right toward me.
"I'm hallucinating ... this is how I will die... running down the street and the last person I see is Hulk Hogan. The paramedics will tell my mother that I lost my mind in the ambulance murmuring something about Hulkamania and ripping my tank top."
It seriously took everything inside of me not to stop the man and ask if I could take a selfie with him - because NO ONE is going to believe me. I waved, he waved ... we continued on our separate paths. I spent the next two miles trying to convince myself that this was just a man that looked a lot like the Hulkster .. and not actually him. "Hulk Hogan is a HUGELY tall man, this man was average height. Hulk Hogan would not be running on the greenway in Concord North Carolina, Adrienne." It was a good distraction.
At some point around mile 7, we crossed paths again. I am strangely sad to report that this man was not Hulk Hogan. I am happy to report that I was not hallucinating and I didn't die on that run. I totally wish I had the guts to ask for that picture!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
I have loved you all along
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
My towel wrapped around me tonight.
For most people this is not profound. "Yes, Adrienne, towels do that." Maybe they have always for you. Not for me.
Maybe it has been wrapping around me, completely, for a while and I just now noticed? I'm not sure.
I've officially lost 75lbs. It has taken me a total of 11 years and 3 separate tries, but I am 10lbs away from the scale reading 199. There are a lot of things I expected would be by now, but it never occurred to me that the towel would wrap all the way around.
If you've never been "morbidly obese" (God, what a ridiculous term) then I don't expect you to understand the following.
There are things that I expected. I expected to be proud of myself, and I am. I expected that I would feel better, sleep better, look better, and I do. I expected all of these things and more. I expected to step on the scale and read 199 and suddenly every struggle for the past 11 years would rush through my mind like a movie and that I would be so overwhelmed with emotion that I would collapse on the floor of my bathroom, sobbing with joy as if this miracle has just taken place before my very eyes without my involvement.
There are also things that I did not expect. I didn't expect to feel kindof numb. I didn't expect to still see myself as the fat girl. I didn't expect people to treat me differently (they do). I didn't expect people to be jealous, or judgy, or weird with me. I didn't expect to be surprised that the towel would wrap around, or that Jillian Michaels videos would no longer be hard, or that running would one day not be enough to take off the lbs. I didn't expect to still be unhappy with pictures or that I would still not fit into American Eagle jeans.
The list goes on and on.
Here is the thing. Life is full of moments where we expect certain things to happen or certain moments to be a certain way. We can't rely on that. Anything worth doing is going to be hard, much harder than you expected. If you want to start a journey to lose weight, or change careers, or start a family, then you have to throw all of your expectations out the window because the final product may not look like what you thought it would.
Here is what I think will happen when I see 199. I will be full of pride for what I have accomplished. I will remember all of the hard work and realize that I DID that. Every pound came off because I made choice after choice, not because of some miracle that just happened to me.
Or maybe I'll collapse on the ground. Who knows?
Tears will probably be involved.
I'll let you know.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Things with me are going really well. I am getting used to my new routine - let me share it with you:
6:00 am - wake up
6:30 am - leave for work
7:00 am - arrive at work
7 - 7:45 am - work out
7:45-8:30 - get ready for work (at work)
8:30 am - 5:30 pm - work (see a pattern developing here?)
5:30 - about 6:15 depending on traffic - drive home from work
6:15 to whenever I happen to be able to fall asleep - do chores, watch tv, hang out, etc.
Yes, it is very busy.
I do have good news! I got my insurance cards in the mail today!! I haven't had insurance through my place of employment - well...ever really. I did have it at one place for about 2 months and was never able to use it. I'm very excited to be able to go to the doctor again!
I really wanted to share some pictures with you in this blog - but it seems that my ipad won't let me do that - booo! I decorated my cubicle this week ... I got really creative and I'm so much more comfortable at my desk now!
I'm also offically on Week 3 of Couch to 5K! I'm really happy to be running again - I am also really happy to be focusing on me and my health again - it is really important to pay attention to your health...I wish I had done so sooner.
Wow, I'm so unhappy that I can not share pictures with you. I have to figure out a way before my next post.
Well, have a great week everyone...maybe next time I will have some funny story to report to you ... until then...
Saturday, June 2, 2012
The "backwards scissor": A Yoga story
My new workplace has a gym. It's pretty great that I could get out of my monthly gym membership...I've been working out there before work. They also offer a yoga class on Wednesdays at lunch, which I thought was free...I was wrong.
So, I attended 3 classes before discovering that I had to pay. The class itself was good, hard, but good and I liked it. Except the part where my co-workers are there with me. Now, I've never really cared much about people watching me workout. You can judge me all you want, but at least I'm doing something. Besides, I'm free to think whatever I want about you too...so be careful where you tread.
Yoga is an interesting form of exercise. Before I tried it...I thought it was for twenty somethings who wanted to buy cute workout clothes and go to the gym to be seen, but didnt really want to sweat...just "stretch" and say they worked out.
Have you ever been really wrong? Me too.
Yoga is no joke. Especially at my "size". That instructer would calmly say "warrior two" and my mind immediately thought, "yes, this is war...and I'm not winning!"
The girls I work with are really nice girls...they are grown women, they act as such, and I have no reason not to like them or to feel negatively toward them in any way. However, there was one moment when that instructor (Jenny is her name) would describe a pose and I literally laughed out loud, just in time for me to look around to see if anyone else thought it was as absurd as I did that she would even suggest that the human body could get into that position, and to find that they were already gracefully in the "backwards scissor" pose.
I don't know about you, but I'd like to clearly state that my body doesn't do "scissor" anything...much less backwards. For a split second I was so jealous of those girls.
Jealousy is such a terrible monster of a thing. It will come on when you dont expect or ask it to. Yes, there are times we choose to be jealous, but that is usually after the emotion has introduced itself, uninvited. I hate it, like it killed my family or something.
Jealousy robs us of our potential. We see someone else succeeding and jealousy creeps in and forces you to focus on what you don't have or can't do...so that you never realize you probably can... sometimes better.
Look, I might not be able to do the "backwards scissor" ... But I might. I didn't try. I was too busy moping about the fact that they could. How dumb.
I hope to go back to the class once I am in a better place financially, and then I will attempt that pose...at least then I'll have health insurance, you know, in case I need medical attention afterward.
Life is a constant battle. Jealousy is something I don't have time for if I want to win the war...
"What did she say? Oh, yeah....warrior three. Bring it on."